Friday, September 29, 2006

Giving In

So... I finally gave in and created a blog.
I've been making fun of blogs for years... Always found them ridiculous...
Why do people need to talk about their lives online? That need fascinated me...

So i practically despised blogs until i found some brilliant photo blogs... Where people don't talk that much about their lives, but use the blog to post their work as a photogapher... And since i've been hooked to a dozen of blogs i visit nearly everyday... It's sad... I know...

So after a lot of thinking, i thought this was actually the easiest and nicest way to share my photos, photos that aren't good enough to post on deviantart, or olhares, but that people constantly ask me for, or just photos i enjoy...
Also, i might add that, lately i haven't been too enthusiastic about my photography, so i really don't feel like posting anything on deviant until i'm able to do something new, something i like...

So... i hope you enjoy. And please... Comment... Critic... Or i'll never get better.

Love to you all,



Anonymous said...

Siiimmm!!quero fotos, muitas fotos. fotos fotos fotos...yaaamii! obcessed!

Anonymous said...

E' uma pena que sejas tao protectiva do devart. Sempre tens uma seccao chamada "scraps", onde os deviants poem varias coisas que reconhecem nao ter grande qualidade. Por outro lado tens ainda uma seccao onde se poem aquelas fotos que nao tem uma intencao artistica:

Snapshots are photographs that aren't taken with any of the other motivations listed here. They're not artsy, nor are they commercial, nor are they journalistic. It's just a photo. Maybe it's a picture of your dog. Could be a picture of your brother. Maybe it's just a sign you saw on the way to work that you thought was funny..."

Em todo o caso estas tambem vao para o Scraps.

Dito isto, e' uma pena, mas o mais importante e' que partilhes as tuas fotos.

Anonymous said...

Fotos boniiitas!! Modelos boniiiitos! Fotografa maravilhoooooosa!!! Hehehe!!
Sim nos amamos as fotos da Marta!!!